Survey reveals Italian merchants prefer POSs as the safest, fastest and most convenient tool

Survey reveals Italian merchants prefer POSs as the safest, fastest and most convenient tool

As a tool for collecting cash, Italian merchants see Point of Sales (POSs) as the safest (81%), fastest (71%), the best way to meet customer requests (79%) and to simplify the management of the point of sale (70%). This is the snapshot provided by the BVA Doxa survey for Nexi, a leading PayTech company in Europe.

It interviewed a sample of small- and medium-sized retail and restaurant merchants and freelance professionals in Italy to analyse their preferences, needs and expectations in collecting cash at the POS and on the move.

Twenty-nine percent of the sample also expressed interest in the possibility of using their smartphone to receive payments. They said they would appreciate: its sustainability (62%), not having to carry a too cumbersome POS for receiving payments on the move (48%), being able to accept payments anywhere without any worries (49%) and the possibility of doubling the cash desks in the store (45%).

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