Transforming IT infrastructure for global efficiency

Transforming IT infrastructure for global efficiency

rEvolution Marketing, a renowned global sports marketing agency, has always utilised innovative, creative and authentic campaign approaches to help brands of all sizes leverage the power of sports to connect with fans. From sponsorship consulting and experiential marketing to social media, production and design and research and analytics, rEvolution Marketing develops and executes strategies that are tailored to specific needs and goals of its clients such as American Family Insurance, Lamborghini and Shell. It carried out an IT transformation with the help of Intelliworx.

The business need

rEvolution Marketing understands that it is only as resilient as its weakest link. Its commitment to Business Continuity planning is not just about protecting its own business; it’s also about protecting its clients.
Its current focus is to address critical IT challenges in areas such as global support structure, cybersecurity measures and system management. By ensuring that they can continue to operate even in the face of disruptions, rEvolution Marketing helps its clients stay ahead of the curve and achieve their business goals.

In order to maintain a robust BCP (Business Continuity Plan), rEvolution Marketing is addressing the following concerns:
• Improve service quality across its offices globally
• Mitigate the impact of evolving cyberthreats and potential digital disruptions
• Protect data integrity and confidentiality
• Improve operational efficiency and hardware compatibility
• Simplify system maintenance and allocate IT resources properly

The solution

To address these challenges, the company implemented a comprehensive IT transformation with Intelliworx, which included the following solutions:

• Global support model: streamlined IT services through a unified global support model, ensuring consistency and efficiency across all offices
• Meeting room transformation: enhanced collaboration and productivity with innovative NEAT solutions in all meeting rooms
• Standardised hardware: simplified management and reduced compatibility issues by standardising hardware globally
• Proactive maintenance: minimised downtime through proactive maintenance and monitoring of computer systems and networks
• Enhanced cybersecurity: protected against evolving cyberthreats with strengthened cybersecurity measures, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality
• Comprehensive Business Continuity plans: Developed robust plans to mitigate risks and ensure Business Continuity in the face of unforeseen disruptions

The results

rEvolution Marketing’s IT transformation resulted in significant improvements across all key areas, including efficiency, collaboration, management, issue resolution, cybersecurity resilience and Business Continuity and resilience.

• Efficiency and consistency: the global support model significantly improved the efficiency and consistency of IT services across all locations, resulting in better performance and reduced costs
• Enhanced collaboration: The renovation of meeting rooms with NEAT solutions fostered collaboration and boosted overall productivity, enabling teams to work together more effectively and achieve their goals more efficiently
• Streamlined management: standardised hardware simplified management and reduced compatibility challenges, freeing up IT staff to focus on more strategic initiatives
• Proactive issue resolution: proactive maintenance and monitoring minimised downtime by addressing issues before they could disrupt operations, ensuring uninterrupted business operations and improved customer satisfaction
• Cybersecurity resilience: strengthened cybersecurity measures protected the company against evolving cyberthreats, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring Business Continuity
• Business Continuity and resilience: Comprehensive Business Continuity plans ensured the company’s ability to weather disruptions and maintain critical operations, minimising the impact on business and customers

Ian Whilden, Senior Director, Operations at rEvolution Marketing, took the time to talk to Intelligent about the partnership.

Why did you choose Intelliworx as your transformation partner?

At rEvolution, we knew we needed to address critical IT challenges in areas such as global support structure, cybersecurity measures and system management to ensure we would be able to continue operating seamlessly in the face of any disruptions. We chose Intelliworx to help us maintain a robust Business Continuity plan that would mitigate the impact of evolving cyberthreats and potential digital disruptions as well as protect data integrity and confidentiality, improve operational efficiency and hardware compatibility, simplify system maintenance and allocate IT resources properly. The ability to have on-the-ground and in-country support across multiple time zones was also critical due to our global brand representation capacity across North America, Europe and Asia.

How easy was the implementation with Intelliworx?

The implementation with Intelliworx was seamless. It’s important to have a transformation partner that is equipped with a deep understanding of specific industry challenges and the ability to craft innovative solutions which can truly transform the organisation’s digital landscape. With Intelliworx, we found a partner who not only understands our needs but aligns with our agency’s relentless vision towards innovation and excellence.

How has it affected your employees’ working day?

Our work with Intelliworx has helped us improve the experience for both our employees and our brand clients. For example, the meeting room upgrades we implemented through our partnership with Intelliworx have increased collaboration and productivity by reducing IT interactions by 95%. In addition, our global support model implementation with Intelliworx has enabled us to reduce IT support response times from days to hours. This is particularly significant as it allows our entire workforce to confidently focus on the productive, creative work to connect brands with fans in authentic, engaging and innovative ways.

How important was the cybersecurity element?

The cybersecurity element is critical to our Business Continuity planning and ensuring our business is as resilient as possible. Working with Intelliworx helped us strengthen our cybersecurity measures and protect the company against evolving cyberthreats amid an ever-changing cyberthreat landscape, as well as safeguard sensitive data and help us ensure Business Continuity in the event of a cyberattack.

What compatibility issues were you facing with hardware before?

Working with Intelliworx allowed us to standardise our hardware, simplify management and reduce compatibility challenges. Through Intelliworx, we were able to elevate screen sharing capabilities and audio quality that, in turn, minimised real-time IT meeting support, allowing our IT staff to focus on more strategic global agency initiatives.

Tell me more about the meeting room transformation.

We had a need to upgrade our meeting rooms to a new AV conference system and worked with Intelliworx to deliver a solution for our employees and clients that would work within our digital set-up. The renovation of meeting rooms with NEAT solutions fostered collaboration among employees and boosted overall productivity, enabling our teams to work together more effectively and achieve global agency goals more efficiently. With these solutions, employees now walk into conference rooms and see the room’s meeting schedules outlined on TVs and tabletop touchpad displays, which in turn has enhanced employee workflow and schedule maintenance. Additionally, the auto framing camera features has allowed our meetings to be more engaging for the remote participant, which fosters greater collaboration through an immersive and authentic experience.

What’s next for rEvolution?

Our focus is to continue growth and seamless collaboration throughout the agency, be that our IT services or client representation. As mentioned, the enhancements we’ve made in collaboration with Intelliworx have improved our IT resources, allowing us to focus on supporting the agency’s strategic global initiatives.

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