HR Solutions

New report shows huge rise in AI and automation as customer and employee...

A global survey analysis of more than 25,000 consumers, business buyers and professionals found that customer expectations are growing amid the transition to all-digital experiences. And employees – who are...

Survey finds European businesses focused on merging culture and technology to...

Smartsheet, an enterprise platform for dynamic work, revealed 71% of technology decision makers are rethinking their longer-term strategic decisions around workforce technologies, according to a commissioned survey of...

ServiceNow and Qualtrics combine powerful workflows and experience data to...

ServiceNow and Qualtrics have announced a strategic partnership to help companies deliver next-generation employee experiences and customer service, leveraging the combined power of ServiceNow’s digital...

Appriss Insights highlights value of employee-centric approach to criminal...

As HR industry professionals encourage employers to optimise human resource management by promoting a culture of employee assistance, organisations in the background screening industry are utilising an...

Forsters LLP chooses NetDocuments for document management

Forsters LLP, a leading UK law firm, deployed NetDocuments as part of its ambition to move more of its services to the cloud, enabling the organisation’s 400+ staff to securely access and work on documents from...

Gartner identifies top 10 government technology trends for 2021

Gartner has identified the top 10 government technology trends for 2021 that have the potential to accelerate digital innovation and optimise or transform public services.  Gartner’s top 10 strategic...

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